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Back up and restore data

The app's data files should be backed up regularly just in case.

Connect the iPad it to a computer with iTunes installed.
1. Click on the device button (and select the iPad if there are more than one devices connected to the computer)

Back up data files

1. Click Apps on menu
2. Scroll down to the File Sharing section
3. Select NetballStats from the list of apps
4. Select the 3 files with prefix NetballStats in Documents folder
5. Scroll right down and click Save To... button and select a folder on your HDD to save the files to.

Restore data files

1. Click Apps on menu
2. Scroll down to the File Sharing section
3. Select NetballStats from the list of apps
4. Scroll screen right down
5. Click Add... button, select the backed up files from HDD to restore replacing existing files in Documents folder