1. List of matches
2. Tap - to delete selected match
3. Tap Import button to import PSVB files
4. Tap + to create new match
5. Team A
6. Team B
7. Tournament
8. Venue
9. Match date
10. Name of coder
11. Notes
12. List of sets played with scores
13. Create a new set
14. Delete selected set
15. Lock set. Locked set can't no longer be modified. Match scores are only updated once sets are locked. This enables flexibility in scoring. For example when we have matches with 7 sets to 15. Or for beach volleyball where scoring only goes to 21.
16. Box score of selected set
17. Line ups for selected set
18. Code from video (code 2 teams)
19. Code live (code one team)
20. Indicates that the set is locked
21. Lists of players
22. Live broadcast report
23. Go to the video page
24. Share the match stats as PSVB file
25. Select players for the match
26. The reports menu
27. Connect to broadcaster
28. Go to Help page
29. Go to Settings page
30. Broadcast status (on broadcast device only)